Prospective Undergraduate Students

The procedure:

EurostudiesCy Career Guidance Program for undergraduate students aims to enable prospective university students rank their choices for the procedure of fulfil the computerized application for the Pancyprian Exams and make the best choice for studies in the universities of Cyprus and Greece. In addition, students will receive accurate information for alternative university studies in Europe, in English programs (entry requirements, fees and cost of living, university rankings and deadlines for applications).

The aim is to offer additional choices to students in international programs across Europe, where the fees rank from zero (free studies) (Denmark, Sweden) or where they can receive study loans (UK) or fees are low (Italy, Holland) as well as for countries with low cost of living but higher university fees (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovkia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Esthonia). With the career guidance program and the counseling procedure, students will be able to rank their choices according to their desires and to set specific goals which will try to achieve via the Pancyprian exams or other entry procedures in Universities across Europe.

With our procedures, prospective students will make the right for them choices, so as to achieve the goal of university studies in the faculties that they desire.

The program includes:

One session with a specialized career counselor, of total duration of 1 to 1 ½ hours.

Inclusive written report on electronic form, that contains all the useful information for the faculty of interest for each student and the choices for studies in Europe, in specific universities that offer programs in English (entry requirements, fees and cost of living, university rankings and procedures and deadlines for applications).

Ranking of choices for the universities in Greece and Cyprus, in order to be used in the fulfilment of the computerized application for the Pancyprian exams, as well as for choices in Private Universities.

Implementation of a specially designed questionnaire measuring the needs of the student regarding academic coaching – a procedure that helps students detect their deficiencies and difficulties in the field of academic performance and give them the tools to overcome them, enhance their academic potentials and manage their stress deriving from academic life.

Please Note:
for students who have not complete the procedure of the Comprehensive Career Guidance and have not yet concluded in specific academic faculty, it is recommended that they follow the program for Lyceum students.

* All the Career Guidance Programs are available via e-conference for the students who are not able to join a personal meeting, using a specially designed software which ensures the high quality of the counseling procedure.

Take the Horizon test for Vocational interests to make the correct choice!